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Provide entry into detailed content via an image, text, and related information.

Cards are a well-suited and convenient way to display an object using a variety of related elements. You can showcase diverse content types – asset, person, assignment, and more – together in a card grid such as search results, assignments, or resources to explore.



<li class="comet-card">
    <a href="asset-page.html" class="comet-card__card-anchor">
        <!-- Image / Icon -->
        <div class="comet-thumbnail">
            <div class="comet-thumbnail__inner" style="background-image: url('/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-1.jpg')">
                <img src="/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-1.jpg" alt="" class="comet-thumbnail__print-only-image">
        <!-- Copy -->
        <div class="comet-card__copy">
            <span class="comet-card__type">Video</span>
            <p class="comet-card__title">LIFE: Fish</p>
            <p class="comet-card__duration comet-pill--overlay">43:34</p>
    <!-- List Group -->
    <!-- Actions (icons, buttons) -->
    <!-- for later release -->


{{ comet.card(
        img_url: "/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-1.jpg",
        href: "asset-page.html",
        type: "Video",
        title: "LIFE: Fish",
        caption: false,
        duration: "43:34"

Macro params reference

Light Theme


<li class="comet-card comet-card--light">
    <a href="asset-page.html" class="comet-card__card-anchor">
        <!-- Image / Icon -->
        <div class="comet-thumbnail">
            <div class="comet-thumbnail__inner" style="background-image: url('/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-1.jpg')">
                <img src="/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-1.jpg" alt="" class="comet-thumbnail__print-only-image">
        <!-- Copy -->
        <div class="comet-card__copy">
            <span class="comet-card__type">Video</span>
            <p class="comet-card__title">LIFE: Fish</p>
            <p class="comet-card__duration comet-pill--overlay">43:34</p>
    <!-- List Group -->
    <!-- Actions (icons, buttons) -->
    <!-- for later release -->


{{ comet.card(
        img_url: "/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-1.jpg",
        href: "asset-page.html",
        type: "Video",
        title: "LIFE: Fish",
        caption: false,
        theme: "light",
        duration: "43:34"

Macro params reference

White Theme


<li class="comet-card comet-card--white">
    <a href="asset-page.html" class="comet-card__card-anchor">
        <!-- Image / Icon -->
        <div class="comet-thumbnail">
            <div class="comet-thumbnail__inner" style="background-image: url('/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-1.jpg')">
                <img src="/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-1.jpg" alt="" class="comet-thumbnail__print-only-image">
        <!-- Copy -->
        <div class="comet-card__copy">
            <span class="comet-card__type">Video</span>
            <p class="comet-card__title">LIFE: Fish</p>
            <p class="comet-card__duration comet-pill--overlay">43:34</p>
    <!-- List Group -->
    <!-- Actions (icons, buttons) -->
    <!-- for later release -->


{{ comet.card(
        img_url: "/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-1.jpg",
        href: "asset-page.html",
        type: "Video",
        title: "LIFE: Fish",
        caption: false,
        theme: "white",
        duration: "43:34"

Macro params reference

Varying Image Aspect Ratio


<li class="comet-card">
    <a href="asset-page.html" class="comet-card__card-anchor">
        <!-- Image / Icon -->
        <div class="comet-thumbnail  comet-thumbnail--contain">
            <div class="comet-thumbnail__inner" style="background-image: url('/images/components/thumbnail/search-clinton.jpg')">
                <img src="/images/components/thumbnail/search-clinton.jpg" alt="" class="comet-thumbnail__print-only-image">
        <!-- Copy -->
        <div class="comet-card__copy">
            <span class="comet-card__type">Video</span>
            <p class="comet-card__title">Bill Clinton</p>
    <!-- List Group -->
    <!-- Actions (icons, buttons) -->
    <!-- for later release -->
<li class="comet-card">
    <a href="asset-page.html" class="comet-card__card-anchor">
        <!-- Image / Icon -->
        <div class="comet-thumbnail  comet-thumbnail--contain">
            <div class="comet-thumbnail__inner" style="background-image: url('/images/components/thumbnail/search-enrollment.jpg')">
                <img src="/images/components/thumbnail/search-enrollment.jpg" alt="" class="comet-thumbnail__print-only-image">
        <!-- Copy -->
        <div class="comet-card__copy">
            <span class="comet-card__type">Video</span>
            <p class="comet-card__title">An Application Document</p>
    <!-- List Group -->
    <!-- Actions (icons, buttons) -->
    <!-- for later release -->
<li class="comet-card">
    <a href="asset-page.html" class="comet-card__card-anchor">
        <!-- Image / Icon -->
        <div class="comet-thumbnail  comet-thumbnail--contain">
            <div class="comet-thumbnail__inner" style="background-image: url('/images/components/thumbnail/search-eternal-flame.jpg')">
                <img src="/images/components/thumbnail/search-eternal-flame.jpg" alt="" class="comet-thumbnail__print-only-image">
        <!-- Copy -->
        <div class="comet-card__copy">
            <span class="comet-card__type">Video</span>
            <p class="comet-card__title">A Memorial</p>
    <!-- List Group -->
    <!-- Actions (icons, buttons) -->
    <!-- for later release -->


{{ comet.card(
        img_url: "/images/components/thumbnail/search-clinton.jpg",
        thumbnail_contain: true,
        href: "asset-page.html",
        type: "Video",
        title: "Bill Clinton"
) }}
{{ comet.card(
        img_url: "/images/components/thumbnail/search-enrollment.jpg",
        thumbnail_contain: true,
        href: "asset-page.html",
        type: "Video",
        title: "An Application Document"
) }}
{{ comet.card(
        img_url: "/images/components/thumbnail/search-eternal-flame.jpg",
        thumbnail_contain: true,
        href: "asset-page.html",
        type: "Video",
        title: "A Memorial"
) }}

Macro params reference

Contain an entire image in its block when image aspect ratio is uncertain, such as search results, using features of the Thumbnail component that the card includes.

With Associated Assets


<li class="comet-card">
    <a href="asset-page.html" class="comet-card__card-anchor">
        <!-- Image / Icon -->
        <div class="comet-thumbnail">
            <div class="comet-thumbnail__inner" style="background-image: url('/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-1.jpg')">
                <img src="/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-1.jpg" alt="" class="comet-thumbnail__print-only-image">
        <!-- Copy -->
        <div class="comet-card__copy">
            <span class="comet-card__type">Video</span>
            <p class="comet-card__title">LIFE: Fish</p>
            <p class="comet-card__duration comet-pill--overlay">43:34</p>
    <!-- List Group -->
    <div class="comet-list-group comet-theme--dark-background">
        <ul class="comet-list-group__list">
            <li class="comet-list-group__row">
                <a class="comet-list-group__row-anchor" href="">
                    <svg class="comet-list-group__row-type-icon" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false">
                        <use xlink:href="/comet/comet_assets/comet.svg#document-pdf"></use>
                    <span class="comet-list-group__row-label">
                        Teachers Guide
            <li class="comet-list-group__row">
                <a class="comet-list-group__row-anchor" href="">
                    <svg class="comet-list-group__row-type-icon" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false">
                        <use xlink:href="/comet/comet_assets/comet.svg#document-pdf"></use>
                    <span class="comet-list-group__row-label">
                        Student Course Guide
    <!-- Actions (icons, buttons) -->
    <!-- for later release -->


{{ comet.card(
        img_url: "/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-1.jpg",
        type: "Video",
        title: "LIFE: Fish",
        href: "asset-page.html",
        caption: false,
        duration: "43:34",
        list_group_items: [
                label: "Teachers Guide",
                type_icon: "document-pdf"
                label: "Student Course Guide",
                type_icon: "document-pdf"
) }}

Macro params reference

Include at most 5 associated assets, such as related documents, within the card under the copy area via the List Group component that the card includes.

Without Image

Without Image


<li class="comet-card">
    <a href="" class="comet-card__card-anchor">
        <!-- Image / Icon -->
        <div class="comet-thumbnail comet-thumbnail--no-image">
            <div class="comet-thumbnail__inner">
                <svg class="comet-thumbnail__icon" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false">
                    <use xlink:href="/comet/comet_assets/comet.svg#asset-audio-cd"></use>
        <!-- Copy -->
        <div class="comet-card__copy">
            <span class="comet-card__type">Audio CD</span>
            <p class="comet-card__title">[CD Title]</p>
    <!-- List Group -->
    <!-- Actions (icons, buttons) -->
    <!-- for later release -->


{{ comet.card(
        item =
                type: "Audio CD",
                title: "[CD Title]",
                asset_type: "audio-cd"
) }}

Macro params reference

Display an asset type icon when an image is unavailable using a feature of the Thumbnail component that the card includes.



<div class="comet-card comet-theme--dark-background ">
    <a href="" class="comet-card__card-anchor">
        <!-- Image / Icon -->
        <div class="comet-thumbnail  comet-thumbnail--squared">
            <div class="comet-thumbnail__inner" style="background-image: url('/images/components/thumbnail/concept-1.jpeg')">
                <img src="/images/components/thumbnail/concept-1.jpeg" alt="" class="comet-thumbnail__print-only-image">
        <!-- Copy -->
        <div class="comet-card__copy">
            <span class="comet-card__type">Project</span>
            <p class="comet-card__title">Digging</p>
            <p class="comet-card__caption">Rock in a small portion of the tunnel has too many fault lines to safely use the TBM. Crews must use liquid explosives to remove the rock from this section...</p>
    <!-- List Group -->
    <!-- Actions (icons, buttons) -->
    <!-- for later release -->


                        item = {
                            img_url: "/images/components/thumbnail/concept-1.jpeg",
                            class: "comet-theme--dark-background ",
                            thumbnail_square: true,
                            type: "Project",
                            title: "Digging",
                            caption: "Rock in a small portion of the tunnel has too many fault lines to safely use the TBM. Crews must use liquid explosives to remove the rock from this section..."
                        element_type = "div",
                        class = ""

Macro params reference

Display a Card’s thumbnail as --square to draw a distinctive emphasis to a limited number (3-5) cards, such as a STEM projects progression of assignments.

  • Avoid a squared Card display for a grid of more than 6 cards in one display, preferring a more compact display of many cards.

Cards in a Grid Layout

While cards can be stacked independently one-by-one, most are arranged in a grid.

To arrange cards in a grid format and maintain consistent card heights in each row, wrap the cards in a .comet-cards element and include three trailing comet-card--invisible elements. These additional .comet-card--invisible elements also ensure cards in a grid remain left aligned even when there are not enough cards to “fill” the last row in the grid. If using the cards macro, these elements are added automatically.

To view cards arranged in a grid in a more realistic setting not contained in the example viewer's block below, visit the Card examples page.


<ul class="comet-cards">
    <li class="comet-card">
        <a href="" class="comet-card__card-anchor">
            <!-- Image / Icon -->
            <div class="comet-thumbnail">
                <div class="comet-thumbnail__inner" style="background-image: url('/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-1.jpg')">
                    <img src="/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-1.jpg" alt="" class="comet-thumbnail__print-only-image">
            <!-- Copy -->
            <div class="comet-card__copy">
                <span class="comet-card__type">Video</span>
                <p class="comet-card__title">LIFE: Fish</p>
                <p class="comet-card__duration comet-pill--overlay">43:34</p>
        <!-- List Group -->
        <!-- Actions (icons, buttons) -->
        <!-- for later release -->
    <li class="comet-card">
        <a href="" class="comet-card__card-anchor">
            <!-- Image / Icon -->
            <div class="comet-thumbnail">
                <div class="comet-thumbnail__inner" style="background-image: url('/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-2.jpg')">
                    <img src="/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-2.jpg" alt="" class="comet-thumbnail__print-only-image">
            <!-- Copy -->
            <div class="comet-card__copy">
                <span class="comet-card__type">Video</span>
                <p class="comet-card__title">Junior Zoologist: Fish, Amphibeans, and Reptiles</p>
                <p class="comet-card__duration comet-pill--overlay">16:06</p>
        <!-- List Group -->
        <!-- Actions (icons, buttons) -->
        <!-- for later release -->
    <li class="comet-card">
        <a href="" class="comet-card__card-anchor">
            <!-- Image / Icon -->
            <div class="comet-thumbnail">
                <div class="comet-thumbnail__inner" style="background-image: url('/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-3.jpg')">
                    <img src="/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-3.jpg" alt="" class="comet-thumbnail__print-only-image">
            <!-- Copy -->
            <div class="comet-card__copy">
                <span class="comet-card__type">Video</span>
                <p class="comet-card__title">Life Science: Reptiles</p>
                <p class="comet-card__duration comet-pill--overlay">20:00</p>
        <!-- List Group -->
        <!-- Actions (icons, buttons) -->
        <!-- for later release -->
    <li class="comet-card comet-card--invisible"></li>
    <li class="comet-card comet-card--invisible"></li>
    <li class="comet-card comet-card--invisible"></li>


                items = [
                        img_url: "/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-1.jpg",
                        type: "Video",
                        title: "LIFE: Fish",
                        caption: false,
                        duration: "43:34"
                        img_url: "/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-2.jpg",
                        type: "Video",
                        title: "Junior Zoologist: Fish, Amphibeans, and Reptiles",
                        caption: false,
                        duration: "16:06"
                        img_url: "/images/components/thumbnail/video-set2-3.jpg",
                        type: "Video",
                        title: "Life Science: Reptiles",
                        caption: false,
                        duration: "20:00"
            ) }}

Macro params reference
  • Avoid arranging cards with the (grid component)[/components/grid.html], which doesn't align the heights of cards in the same row.

  • Apply the comet-cards class to either a containing <div class=”comet-cards”> or <ul class=”comet-cards”>.


Visual Style

  • Arrange Cards in a responsive grid format, with 1 or 2 per row at the narrowest widths and 3 to 4 per row at the widest widths.


  • Always include a title and image or icon.
  • Always overlay duration onto cards of videos.
  • Optionally include caption and type (such as VIDEO).
  • Do Image

    include type (PROJECT) and caption (The introduction…) when available

  • Do Image

    include a title if no other descriptive content is available

  • Do Image

    omit a title, even if other content is available

  • Do Image

    use a card to show just an image. Instead, link a simpler thumbnail

Class Reference

Class Applies to Outcome


Parent of .comet-card

Wraps multiple cards into a list, displayed each in a grid using flexbox.



Hides the trailing card(s) from being displayed, when used in conjunction with .comet-cards to maintain consistent card height per row in a grid arrangement.



Changes card background color.



Changes card background color.



Changes card background color.

Macro Reference

Parameter Values Description


Array of item

Contains one or more item, each with unique properties described below



Object of varied properties, described below.


li (default), div

Defines the type of HTML element used, defaulting to a list item within an unordered list (



URL path to icon SVG file other than Comet’s, applying to all items.


Boolean (default, false)

If true, applies the comet-thumbnail--contain class to the item


Boolean (default, false)

If true, applies the comet-thumbnail--square class to the item



Style modifiers (see Class Reference, above) and custom classes.



URL path to card object location



Card title



Icon presented when an image is unavailable.



URL path to card image location



URL path to icon SVG file other than Comet’s, applying to this item.



Card type, displayed above title



Card theme, only used if light or white



Card caption, displayed under title



Card video duration, overlaid on thumbnail


List group items

Refer to List Group documentation.

Navigation Menu