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Comet provides easy-to-understand concepts and code variables to apply and maintain space within and between components.

Figure: Space Concepts


An inset is the space within a block from which elements —typography, images, icons, and more — are separated from the edge. By default, a component’s inset should be equal on all four sides.

Inset diagram


Figure: Button inset spacing Figure: Button, using $space-inset-default

Figure: Card inset spacing Figure: Card title/description block, using $space-inset-default

Figure: Pill inset spacing Figure: Pill, using $space-inset-xs


Apply an inset variable token to the padding property.

Variable Name Value
$comet-space-inset-default 16px 16px 16px 16px
$comet-space-inset-xxs 2px 2px 2px 2px
$comet-space-inset-xs 4px 4px 4px 4px
$comet-space-inset-s 8px 8px 8px 8px
$comet-space-inset-m 16px 16px 16px 16px
$comet-space-inset-l 32px 32px 32px 32px
$comet-space-inset-xl 64px 64px 64px 64px

Squish Inset

A squish inset reduces top and bottom padding by 50% relative to the default inset space.

Inset Squish diagram

Use When

  • Compressing toolbar options
  • Stacking list or menu options


Figure: Button inset squish spacing Figure: Small button, using $space-inset-squish-default

Figure: Button inset squish spacing Figure: Footer options, with $space-inset-squish-default

Figure: List inset squish spacing Figure: Stacked icon/label pairs as options, with $space-inset-squish-default


Variable Name Value
$comet-space-inset-squish-default 8px 16px 8px 16px
$comet-space-inset-squish-xs 2px 4px 2px 4px
$comet-space-inset-squish-s 4px 8px 4px 8px
$comet-space-inset-squish-m 8px 16px 8px 16px
$comet-space-inset-squish-l 16px 32px 16px 32px

Stretch Inset

A stretched inset increases top and bottom padding by 50% relative to the default inset space.

Stretch Squish diagram

Use When

  • Inputting text input


Figure: Textbox stretch inset Figure: Textbox stretch inset, using $space-inset-stretch-s


Apply a stretch inset variable token to the padding property.

Variable Name Value
$comet-space-inset-stretch-default 24px 16px 24px 16px
$comet-space-inset-stretch-s 12px 8px 12px 8px
$comet-space-inset-stretch-m 24px 16px 24px 16px
$comet-space-inset-stretch-l 48px 32px 48px 32px


Use a stacking value to separate block components arranged vertically in a column. The last component in a stack should omit this space.

Stack diagram


Apply stacking variables to the margin property.

Variable Name Value
$comet-space-stack-default 0 0 16px 0
$comet-space-stack-xs 0 0 4px 0
$comet-space-stack-s 0 0 8px 0
$comet-space-stack-m 0 0 16px 0
$comet-space-stack-l 0 0 32px 0
$comet-space-stack-xl 0 0 64px 0


Use inline spacing variable tokens to separate inline elements arranged horizontally and that may wrap on the right. The last component in an inline set should omit this space.

Inline diagram


Figure: Inline Example 1 Tabs Figure: Techbook Concept tabs separated using $space-inline-left-l

Figure: Inline Example 2 Pills Figure: Pills separated using $space-inline-left-xs


Apply inline spacing variables to the margin property.

Variable Name Value
$comet-space-inset-default 16px 16px 16px 16px
$comet-space-inset-xxs 2px 2px 2px 2px
$comet-space-inset-xs 4px 4px 4px 4px
$comet-space-inset-s 8px 8px 8px 8px
$comet-space-inset-m 16px 16px 16px 16px
$comet-space-inset-l 32px 32px 32px 32px
$comet-space-inset-xl 64px 64px 64px 64px

How to Use

Spacing rules for insets, stacks, and inline elements are applied to all system components. You can also apply these conventions using available variables.

When variables conflict with product constraints such as fixed markup, we suggest that you first apply a space convention to your component or element, then override when necessary. This will sustain a visible, traceable relationship with the system’s model.

For example, suppose you have an existing Card component built as three stacked internal elements rather than one stack of all three together.

Custom Markup & Style

If coding following system conventions like BEM notation and tokens, your markup and style would be:

Applying Style to Fixed Markup

However, due to project constraints, you may be unable to change component markup and will apply system choices to style only. To apply inset and stack spacing, you could:

Generic Variables

Avoid using generic space variables in favor of more specific options such as inset, squish, stretch, stack, and inline options described above.

However, when established concepts don’t meet your needs – or you are overriding or extending a concept for a special case – use these recognizable, generic variables to persist spatial concepts and maintenance in code.

Variable Name Value
$comet-space-default 16px
$comet-space-xxs 2px
$comet-space-xs 4px
$comet-space-s 8px
$comet-space-m 16px
$comet-space-l 32px
$comet-space-xl 64px

Vertical Text Crop Mixin

Use the vertical-text-crop() mixin to remove unwanted whitespace at the top and bottom of elements that contain text.

Figure: Before and after of button using the mixin


Without the mixin, text renders with full em-block, causing “extra” space on top and bottom

Figure: Example text block with browser-default spacing

With the mixin, whitespace is cropped to cap-height on top and baseline on bottom

Figure: Example of the same text block using the text crop mixin

Use When

  • Improve the visual consistency of any component with strict text alignment
  • Vertically aligning heterogeneous objects, especially text and images
  • Vertically aligning text within an element
  • Do Image

    use this mixin to align text and images to a common “caps height” and “baseline”.

  • Do Image

    create component-specific shims or negative margins to accomplish vertical alignment.


Avoid using the mixin frivolously. Include it when a component has text alignment issues.

The mixin should only be used on elements that contain text directly. Nesting will cause issues.


<p class=”my-text-element”>
	Lorem ipsum dolor..
.my-text-element {


<div class=”wrapper-element”>
	<p class=”my-text-element”>
		Lorem ipsum dolor..
	<img class=”my-image” src=”http…”/>
.wrapper-element {
	// mixin will not crop the correct amount of white space

By default the mixin assumes Comet’s default line-height, font-family, font-weight, and font-style. If the element using the mixin is not using these font property defaults, then the mixin must be configured. Without this configuration, the mixin will not crop the correct amount of whitespace.


.my-text-element {
		$line-height: $comet-font-line-height-s, 
			$font-weight: ‘bold’, 
	  		$font-family: $comet-font-family-serif);
	  	font-weight: bold;
	  	font-family: $comet-font-family-serif;
	  	line-height: $comet-font-line-height-s;


.my-text-element {
	font-weight: bold;
	font-family: $comet-font-family-serif;
	line-height: $comet-font-line-height-s;
	// mixin will not crop the correct amount of white space

Mixin Params Reference

Mixin arguments Possible values


$comet-font-family-display (default)


normal (default)


regular (default)


$comet-font-line-height-default (default)
Or any unitless float value

The mixin contains presets that support all of Comet’s font families, weights and styles.

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